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Delivering Exceptional Legal Services

Welcome to Chamber of Kaushiks, where legal expertise meets a personalized touch. At Chamber of Kaushiks, we believe that the practice of law should be as unique as the individuals we serve. we are your trusted legal partners, committed to understanding your specific needs and delivering tailored solutions. Our team of highly skilled attorneys brings a wealth of experience in a diverse range of practice areas, including Income tax Law, corporate law, intellectual property, family law, real estate, and more. This breadth of expertise allows us to approach your legal challenges from various angles, ensuring comprehensive and effective representation. We foster a supportive and compassionate environment where you can feel comfortable discussing your legal matters. Trust and confidentiality are paramount to us, and we strive to build long-lasting relationships based on mutual respect and understanding. When you choose us, you are choosing a team that will fight passionately for your rights and interests. We are your advocates, your confidants, and your legal partners, committed to guiding you through even the most complex legal challenges with confidence and professionalism. Contact us today and experience the difference of personalized legal representation. Let us be the trusted allies by your side, dedicated to helping you navigate the legal landscape and achieve your desired outcomes.
P. Kaushik
what we do

Creating Your Startup Business

We help you see the world differently, discover opportunities you may never have imagined and achieve results that bridge what is with what can be.

main principles

Global Reach with Local Understanding

In healthy companies, changing directions or launching new projects means combining underlying strengths and capacities with new.

marketing analysis
finance strategy
business innovation

What People Say About Us

Our Partners

Mahesh Kaushik
Palak Kaushik


This website has been designed only for the purposes of dissemination of basic information on Chamber of kaushiks; information which is otherwise available on the internet, various public platforms and social media. Careful attention has been given to ensure that the information provided herein is accurate and up-to-date. However, Chamber of kaushiks is not responsible for any reliance that a reader places on such information and shall not be liable for any loss or damage caused due to any inaccuracy in or exclusion of any information, or its interpretation thereof. Reader is advised to confirm the veracity of the same from independent and expert sources. This website is not an attempt to advertise or solicit clients, and does not seek to create or invite any lawyer-client relationship. The links provided on this website are to facilitate access to basic information on Chamber of kaushiks, and, to share the various thought leadership initiatives undertaken by it. The content herein or on such links should not be construed as a legal reference or legal advice. Readers are advised not to act on any information contained herein or on the links and should refer to legal counsels and experts in their respective jurisdictions for further information and to determine its impact. Chamber of kaushiks advises against the use of the communication platform provided on this website for exchange of any confidential, business or politically sensitive information. User is requested to use his or her judgment and exchange of any such information shall be solely at the user's risk.